February 27, 2006

Moms 7x7's

This has been a good excercise for me! Here it goes....

Things I would like to do before I die.

1. Learn how to effectively tell people about Christ and Salvation.
2. Become an effective older woman "helping the younger"
3. Have a godly influence on my children, grand, and great-grandchildren.
4. Raise more children
5. Know God more intimately and fully.
6. At the end of my life, to have God's blessing of "well done thou good and faithful servant."
7. Turn our place into a glorious garden that is a paradise for adults and children alike.

Things I cannot do well.

1. office work
2. keep things organized
3. remember historical dates and details of events
4. be cold
5. wallpaper
6. remember birthdays
7. put up with mice in the house

Things I say often

1. alrighty then....
2. Good job!
3. I'll see you when you get home! (on the phone to Scott)
4. Really?
5. For Petes Sake!
6. glory be...!
7. Sis! (calling for Sally)

7 movies I like

1. Pride and Prejudice 1995 version
2. Flywheel
3. I am David
4. North and South
5. Wives and Daughters
6. Secret of the Vine
7. A Journey Home (in the film festival movies of this year)

Books I have enjoyed

1. Nourishing Traditions
2. Feed Your Kids Right
3. Harold Bell Wright Books
4. Stepping Heavenward
5. Emily Barnes Books
6. Marriage to a Difficult Man
7. Homemaking

Things I love about my husband

1. He has always kept me and family first.
2. Loves the Lord with all His heart.
3. Is passionate about truth, and has vision.
4. Is generous with his money.
5. Does his part in disiplining and rearing the children.
6. Is not rash.
7. Is intelligent.

There, that wasn't to bad as long as people know that things change and I may remember something more important later, than I wrote down! The people I tag are....Simon Parish,
Tamra Klaty, Chase Klaty, Lydia Neidhart, Natalie Semmens, Susan Semmens, Cathy Neidhart


Hubers said...

Good job Mrs. Parish! It's fun learning a bit more about people... and what a great way to do it, with a 7's list. I do believe that a couple members of your family have yet to learn from their mother's example and display to the blogging world a list of their own...waiting!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sis,
I love your families Blog! It is great to see and read the parts of your life I miss. Your 7 things are good to know, although I knew some of them...Love and miss you,

The Parish Clan said...

Good job Mom!

Jeremy Parish

The Parish Clan said...

Alright, alright! I have an important thing to get done tonight, and if there is still time, I'll post my 7x7's before I go to bed.