October 27, 2006

Time for Reflection

Will You Jump?

You find yourself standing on a one thousand foot tower
Over the edge you see the world, its allurements and its power
The effect is like that of a double exposure photograph
The first, a wreathing lake of fire, of which you can’t see the half
But the second image superimposed, and now starting to hide the flame
Is altogether a different one and seems the fire to quench and tame
Your eye’s feast on all life’s pleasures you’ve wanted to indulge in
Like someone’s seen inside your heart, the selfish passions and secret sin
And spread out beneath you all that would consummate those desires
Gratification beckons and say’s "look, there’s no more fire!"
You look more closely and sure enough the fire is disappearing
Imagination clouds your vision and passion your heart is stirring
With only a fleeting thought of the disaster that awaits
You step over the edge and plummet down, eager to face your fate
Your direction is set, the magnetic force of sin pulls you down
It seems impossible to stop, even if you wanted to turn around
Then your journey comes to a sudden halt as you hit something very firm
You lift your eyes above the world to see why events have turned
Now you find that you are sitting on someone’s giant hand
"The hand feels softer now," you think, as you lift yourself up to stand
You raise your eyes even higher now, to find out this hand’s origin
Up the wrist, up the arm, then it disappears, into heaven
Your passion still burns within, and pleas for consummation
Yet as you look to heaven, you see you you were heading for damnation
Yet that second image is still there and calls with satisfaction’s voice
"You can revel in all these things, if for me you make your choice."
And now decision knocks quite loud, remember, your life is at stake
Every man and women must make this choice, what route to take
Will you bend your knee and cry to God that He will lift you higher?
Or close your heart to heaven’s call, and jump into the lake of fire!
–Max Parish 2004


Anonymous said...

Try copying this into and out of notepad. All the apostrophes show up as short strings of code, in both IE and Firefox.

The Parish Clan said...

It is quite distracting, isn't it? I tried doing the notepad thing. It didn't change it.