September 19, 2006

Shop till you drop!

Today was a very special occasion. Mom, Jayni, Jacob, and I drove forty-five minutes into Fresno to enjoy our first shopping trip together! Jayni and Jacob get to stay a whole week with us and we are enjoying every minute of it. In Target, Mom and I each took a shopping cart and a child and whizzed around; scrutinizing the childrens clothes for the “very cutest” ;-) smelling shampoos with Jacob, and trying on shoes. ( No, not the red sparkly ones, Jayni!) I personally had a blast, in spite of a nasty sore throat that I have acquired from the passionate kisses of Lillyann; who had a bad cold while we were in Redding last weekend. Mom and I slept in a big King bed while we were there, with Jayni and Lilly in between us. Lilly was covering me with kisses and hugs! I thought a cold as a result would be worth it then, but am not so sure now. :-)

When we arrived at Costco this afternoon, I drove the cart around with the two little ones in the front while Mom waited in the returns line. I noticed people giving me glances, but realized why when, after Jacob dropped a toy I stooped to pick it up right after hearing the offer of a nice older man to pick it up for me. When I came up from retrieving the lost toy, he smiled to Jacob and said, you’ve got a very nice Mom! - Whoa! A Mom? :-)

As we were walking out, Mom handed our receipt to a employee whose lip was curled up, looking like he was born that way. Jacob began to ask me with a confused look in his big brown eyes, Is that a frog? Look! A frog! Is that a frog? Jayni just stared up at him with a pained, compassionate expression, staring and staring until she couldn’t turn her head any more. When we went out of the store, I glanced at Mom, she glanced at me, and we both burst into hysterics!

What a joy these precious children have already been. Jacob just toddles around, trying to keep up with the big boys, while Jayni can’t get enough of our front zinnia bed where the butterflies flock. She comes in and out, excitedly showing us her latest catch, a beautiful yellow butterfly! They hold out their arms to be held, and everyone wants to suggle them. They keep us on our toes, and though our house has been a little out of order while we’ve been trying to get on a routine, I know in a few years we will look back and wonder how we coped without them. We’ll be wondering how we managed with such a boring life!

P.S. More pictures coming soon! Due to the misplacing of our digital camera, we no longer have instant pictures, but are keeping the disposables rolling in the meantime. Thank-you for your patience!


Anonymous said...

Poor Jacob. Do doubt he and I will be bonded very close knowing that we have been forced to share in those torturous experiences.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a wonder little children are! They are blessed to have such a wonderful new family. I am glad I have my little precious one-Jaelynn-to experience such wonders with too!
Nancy (ama)