November 16, 2005

No More Puppies!

And . . . Sold! All of our little pups have found new families, and are either in their new homes, or waiting until we return from our trip to Michigan and Texas to be settled in theirs. It's a big relief to have them all sold before our trip, but at the same time, I'll miss those little darlings! Max and I drove an hour and a half to meet new owners and sell the last three on Saturday. He and I enjoyed another of our wonderful visits on the way home. Praise the Lord for older brothers!

This little guy just got done with his bath. It was quite an experience for him, as his expression clearly states. :-)

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We fly out of Los Angeles airport tomorrow morning at 8:00 am! Eveyone can't wait to see the dear friends whom our gracious Lord has brought us together with. I pray that He would be glorified in all that we say and do, and would truly bless our fellowship with His presence.

~Sally Beth


Eleganza Strings/ The DeLadurantey Family said...


That is great news! I know what it it like to have puppies to sell: You want to sell them, and yet hate to see them leave. With Amber's puppies, each of us picks a favorite and names it. This which makes it even harder when they go to their new homes, yet we still do it!

See you soon!