November 16, 2005


Here I sit, all alone, munching my wanna-be spaghetti. (Please forgive me Sally, for eating out of a can. At least it's better then going out!) The house is so quiet I can hear the electrons singing in the ceiling fan. I never thought it would happen, but on the night of November 16, 2005, my family marooned me at my own house. Not only are they going to stay with my brother and his wife at the other end of the state, still dissatisfied, they will board an aircraft bound for who-knows-where (some folks call it Michigan), widening the existing gap between us to an uncrossable chasm. Unthinkable.

Okay, enough joviality. It is really not all that bad. In fact, things are pretty good. If you have been faithfully reading our blog, you noticed that Sally anounced our Michigan/Texas trip in the latest post. Myself being the only exception, the family traveled down to LA to stay with Dan and Kendra this evening. Tommorrow morning, they will leave for Michigan. I will be leaving Saturday morning, and will arrive in Flint around 7:00 p.m..

We have all been looking forward to this trip for a long time. If only time would slow itself down for about 2 weeks! Save for direct communion with our Creator, there is nothing as sweet as fellowship with likeminded believers. May God bless all you folks we will be visiting. He has certainly blessed us through you already.

Have a wonderful evening,



Anonymous said...


I await our time and studies together with eager anticipation.
