November 28, 2005

Here-n-there-n-back Again

Once the rest of the family and the camera makes it back to CA, we will upload some pictures, and give you a fuller description of the past few days. In the meantime, read on to find out about my return flight.

I arrived safe and sound, in Bakersfield, CA, one day later then expected. Last night, as we were on final approach, coming into Phoenix, the pilot powered back up and preformed a missed approach. We flew around the outskirts of Phoenix for about 15 minutes, not knowing what was happening. At first I was wondering if they were lowering their landing weight by jettisoning some fuel; admittedly an evidence of mismanagement, but still a possibility. But due to the length of time we stayed out there, I was starting to suspect a mechanical problem. We finally landed and the Pilot let the aircraft roll...and roll.... Bravo six, Bravo five, Bravo four, Bravo three; I watched the taxiways slip past my window. Knowing that Bravo one would indicate that a rough ride was ahead, I was glad when the pilot finally applied the brakes, and exited the runway! We taxied back slowly with minimal braking.

Once we were parked, the pilot gave a brief explanation of the odd arrival. We had experienced a hydraulic failure on short final. Large aircraft have hydraulically assisted brakes. Thank goodness for dual hydraulic pumps. Adventure number one!

Naturally, this late arrival forced me to transform my legs into a blur of motion in order to transport myself to the other side of the concourse to catch my next flight. Unfortunately, the effort didn’t pay any dividends. They had just closed the flight. Sigh.

The ticketing agent, who’s cheerful meter was running on empty, directed my fellow passengers and I to customer assistance. There were about 13 other passengers who also had late arrivals, and missed the flight to Bakersfield.

I ended up in room 125 at the Clarion Hotel, after waiting 30 minutes for the hotel shuttle that never came. (I split the cost of a taxi with some fellow passengers.) Six o’clock found me headed back to the airport in the hotel shuttle. Six thirty found me with my feet on the colored foot prints, my arms stretched out like a scarecrow, waiting for the TSA man to finish his procedure. (I was lucky enough to go through a special screening!) Nine o’clock found me on my way back to sunny CA. After more waiting, and dealing with another agent who’s cheerful meter was wavering, our group of 13 was finally able to reclaim our baggage which had arrived ahead of us, and head home.
What is the moral of the story? Always pack your tooth brush in your carry-on bag. I was glad I did something smart for once!

Thankfully, I had much to think about, many pleasant memories to reflect on and thank God for, as well as 19 fresh pages to write in my journal. (An aircraft tray table works very well for writing!) I believe that some of God’s greatest gifts are friends that encourage you, and build you up in Christ. I have a renewed vigor for life, and appreciation for God’s work in the lives of His dear ones across the country.

Check for updates regularly!


November 22, 2005


Here is a bit of an update.

We are now in Michigan enjoying a blessed time with our dear friends, Rob and Tamera Klaty. Sunday we enjoyed attending Five Lakes Fellowship, and being encouraged in the word of God. After the meeting, the church went over to the Del Family's house for lunch and more fellowship. For more information on some of the happenings there, see . Tommorrow we fly out of Flint, stopping in Detroit, and finally on to San Antonio Texas to spend some time with our friends the Hubers.

We will post a more detailed exposition of our trip when we get more time.

November 16, 2005


Here I sit, all alone, munching my wanna-be spaghetti. (Please forgive me Sally, for eating out of a can. At least it's better then going out!) The house is so quiet I can hear the electrons singing in the ceiling fan. I never thought it would happen, but on the night of November 16, 2005, my family marooned me at my own house. Not only are they going to stay with my brother and his wife at the other end of the state, still dissatisfied, they will board an aircraft bound for who-knows-where (some folks call it Michigan), widening the existing gap between us to an uncrossable chasm. Unthinkable.

Okay, enough joviality. It is really not all that bad. In fact, things are pretty good. If you have been faithfully reading our blog, you noticed that Sally anounced our Michigan/Texas trip in the latest post. Myself being the only exception, the family traveled down to LA to stay with Dan and Kendra this evening. Tommorrow morning, they will leave for Michigan. I will be leaving Saturday morning, and will arrive in Flint around 7:00 p.m..

We have all been looking forward to this trip for a long time. If only time would slow itself down for about 2 weeks! Save for direct communion with our Creator, there is nothing as sweet as fellowship with likeminded believers. May God bless all you folks we will be visiting. He has certainly blessed us through you already.

Have a wonderful evening,


No More Puppies!

And . . . Sold! All of our little pups have found new families, and are either in their new homes, or waiting until we return from our trip to Michigan and Texas to be settled in theirs. It's a big relief to have them all sold before our trip, but at the same time, I'll miss those little darlings! Max and I drove an hour and a half to meet new owners and sell the last three on Saturday. He and I enjoyed another of our wonderful visits on the way home. Praise the Lord for older brothers!

This little guy just got done with his bath. It was quite an experience for him, as his expression clearly states. :-)

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We fly out of Los Angeles airport tomorrow morning at 8:00 am! Eveyone can't wait to see the dear friends whom our gracious Lord has brought us together with. I pray that He would be glorified in all that we say and do, and would truly bless our fellowship with His presence.

~Sally Beth


We were blessed last weekend with the arrival of Mr. Mervyn Long who was visiting the states from Australia. He arrived Saturday night, and left our home for San Francisco, where he was to fly back to Kangaroo Country. We enjoyed listening to his tales of hiking in the outback, as well as having spiritual discussions about all sorts of subjects. What a blessing to fellowship with one who has been seeking for truth and searching the scriptures with a sincere faith for longer than any in our family.

While we were visiting, it was interesting to notice the way Americans and Australians say a phrase that means the same thing, but is different. For instance, Mr. Long told us he enjoyed 'bushwalking'. He must have noticed our blank faces, for he quickly added, "You might call it hiking." Ohhh, now we understand! :-)

During his stay Mr. Long picked up our three string violin, and expertly harmonized with Simon, who who played his cello. Later, I (Sally) joined them on the piano, and Jeremy on the recorder! It was truly a wonderful time playing hymns, and enjoying music together.

My brother and sister and little baby niece, who is yet to be born in December, also arrived on Saturday, to stay until Sunday! We popped up some popcorn, which was gone in a flash, ;-) and had a wonderful time catching up with each other. I praise the Lord for His leading in their lives, and for this new little Parish who we are all so anxious to meet!

Mr. Long in his snazzy car . . . a PT Cruiser Convertable!

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Parish Kids and Mr. Long

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Family Photo!

Open those eyes boys! :-) Posted by Picasa

November 07, 2005

I was rummaging through some old suitcases the other day, and came across quite a few of Mom's delightful old magazine's she has saved. As I flipped through one of them this morning, I found a poem that touched my heart. So I decided to share it on our blog!

Have a blessed day in the Lord!

~Sally Beth

The Girl I Used To Be

She came across as I sat alone,
The girl that I used to be,
And she gazed at me with her earnest eyes,
And questioned reproachfully;

"Have you forgotten the many plans
And hoped that I had for you,
The great career, the splendid fame,
All the wonderful things to do?
Where is the mansion of stately height,
With it's grounds and it's gardens rare,
The silken robes that I dreamed for you,
And the jewels for your beautiful hair?"

And as she spoke I was very sad,
For I wanted her pleased with me.
This slender girl from the shadowy past,
The girl I used to be.

So gently arising, I took her hand
And guided her up the stair,
Where peacefully sleeping my babies lay,
Innocent, sweet and fair.
And I told her that they are my only gems,
And precious they are to me;

That my silken robe is my motherhood,
Of costly simplicity,
And my mansion of stately height is love,
And the only career I know,
Is serving each day in it's sheltering walls
For the dear ones who come and go.

And as I spoke to my shadow guest,
She smiled through her tears at me.
And I say that the woman that I am now,
Pleased the girl that I used to be.

~Auther unknown

November 05, 2005


We were blessed with the fellowship of the Navarro family, and the Seymour family tonight as we gathered to enjoy one another. The ladies sipped apple cider and munched on cookies inside, while doing a small study. The gentlemen relaxed outside, visiting, while the childen romped all over the hills! The grass is tall and full of seeds, so when all the kids returned, everyone was red-cheeked, breathless, and covered in sticky seeds! :-)

What a blessing both of these families have been for us! I praise Him for His faithfulness in providing fellowship and encouragement for our family!

Good night,

Sally Beth

Our lovely Mothers

The ladies enjoying tea and study. From left: Mrs. Navarro, Mrs. Seymour, Grandma Colleen, and Mom Posted by Picasa

Visiting . . . shoeless!

The gentlemen enjoying fellowship on our new patio that Max made for us. From left: Dad, Mr. Navarro, and Mr. Seymour Posted by Picasa

Miss Kristin Joy Seymour

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Miss Elizabeth Navarro

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Racing the wind . . .

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Bath Time!


"Hello? Yes, they're six weeks old today and ready to pick up! You'll be here in an hour and a half? Sounds great, see you then!"

I had a customer coming to pick up his little Lab, and he still needed his shots, his first worming, and a bath! The rush began. Simon came to my rescue and dutifully gave the little darlings their first shots. After he had completed doctering the first Little One, I whisked him off to the kitchen where he was given a teaspoonful of yellow goo-wormer- and promptly plunked in the sink for his first bath! Bathing six week old puppies is great fun. Once they get a little older, it becomes quite a challenge!

Rub a dub dub, and soon we're done! With his thick baby fur rubbed dry and fuzzy, he toddled around the house, delighting Mom, Grandma, and I with his fat little tail wagging all the time, and his baby antics. :-) His new owners arrived all too quickly. But, with the way the ladies cuddled him, I'm sure he'll have a very loving home. :-)

It has been such a blessing to observe the births and growing up of God's little animal creations. His design is so perfect.

Below are a few pictures . . . enjoy!

Have a blessed Lord's Day tomorrow!


P.S. Can anyone tell we need, and want a baby around here? :-) The Lord is teaching us to wait on Him in that respect, and we are learning to say, "Thy will be done." Even though it's hard sometimes! ;-) I praise Him for the babies He HAS brought into our lives and hearts. Those human, and those who aren't.


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"I'm not so sure about this bath thing . . ."

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Grandma enjoying the little pup

Grandma Colleen has been staying with us for a while, so she has been able to observe all the busy happinings in the Parish household. Most of which involve puppies in some fashion. :-) Grandma would love a little black pup, but could not keep it with all her traveling. Thank-you Grandma, for all your help with recipts, picture taking, and moral support. We love you!
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Mom taking a break to cuddle . . .

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November 03, 2005

The Latest Happenings

God does indeed provide in unexpected ways. three weeks ago our family went down to LA to help my older brother Daniel, and his wife Kendra, move into their first house. (They had previously been living in an apartment, and then with Kendra's parents for a short time while the house was getting purchased--another story of God's providential providing!) We were moving some of their things out of Kendra's parent's garage, when I noticed a Mazda 626 sitting in the corner, nobly bearing up under the weight of boxes, papers and other inanimate objects that typically dwell in garages! After some inquiry, I found out it was given to them, had developed some transmission problems, and sorely needed a new home. It now belongs to the second Parish son, purchased with a green piece of paper stamped $5.

Simon's latest enterprise has been the fabrication of boats of various size and...attitude! Below are some pictures of his latest creation and his creation in process. (This will be his third and fourth boat he has built.) The craft under construction is a kayak. He ordered the plans and some of the materials (epoxy and fiberglass fabric) from Chesapeak Light Craft (CLC). The green boat has already made its first couple of voyages, criss-crossing our local mountain lake. It rides very light on the water, and turns on a dime! And most importantly, the only water that made its way inside the boat, was the result of over-enthusiastic paddling! We will keep you posted on the construction of the kayak. Keep up the fine craftsmanship Simon!

Sally is keeping busy with (among many other things) her latest litter of puppies. They are not even six weeks old yet, and she has sold two of them already. This has been the smallest litter Copper has birthed. She originally had 8 puppies, but two of them died. Her record is 13 puppies in one litter! Sally is also taking an online drivers education class. She is having a wonderful time learning all of California's wonderful rules and regulations! :-)
I better let this be all for now.

God Bless,

Max, for the Parish family

The New Car

Isn't she a beauty? Well...perhaps that is an overestimation, but you can't beat "free!" Posted by Picasa

The "Green Boat"

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A closer view

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Simon enjoying his project

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Simon getting a little over-anxious.

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God must have been smiling when He created puppies! Posted by Picasa

November 02, 2005

Waiting for the Women

Yesterday, Mom and Sally went down to LA. The primary reason was to deliver some lab puppies. Two (or three?) weeks ago, when I went down to pick up my car (see below), I also brought down one of Mom's male puppies to Dan and Kendra. After seeing little black "Titus," the wife of Daniel's boss decided she would like a puppy also. Daniel's next door neighbor also decided he would get one, as his dog is reaching the end of its days.

Tonight, we will welcome the ladies home. Life would sure be empty without our ladies!

A big thank you to Grandma for providing us men with a wonderful meal last nightl! Home-made noodles are always a treat!
