December 12, 2007

Thankful for Thanksgiving

Come gather around at the table.
In the spirit of family and friends

And we'll all join hands and remember this moment
Till The Season Comes 'Round Again

Lets all try and smile for the picture
And we'll hold it as long as we can
May it carry us through, should we ever get lonely
Till The Season Comes 'Round Again

One night, holy and bright
Shining with love from our hearts
By a warm fire, lets lift our hands high
And be thankful we're here, till this time next year

May the new year be blessed with good tidings
Till the next time I see you again
And we'll all join hands, and remember this moment
And we'll love and we'll laugh, in the times that we have
Till The Season Comes 'Round Again

May the new year be blessed with good tidings
Till the next time I see you again
If we must say goodbye, let the spirit go with you
Till The Season Comes 'Round Again

"Till the Season Comes Round Again" ~Vince Gill


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful day that was and I am so thankful for each merry face at the table! Love you all!


PS Can you send me those pictures?

The McCracken family said...

Oh, Sally! (or whoever posted this) - What beautiful sentiments in the poem, to go along with the pictures that remind us of the wonder of the day and the holiday season. "When this season rolls around again" may we again - and still - have full and thankful hearts, and may generation after generation gather at our tables, filled to overflowing with delight in God's goodness. Is there anything so rich as rejoicing in Him - together?

The Parish Clan said...

It was SUCH a blessing to share Thanksgiving with you both! Amen to everything you so beautifully expressed Mrs. McCracken. There isn't anything more delightful than rejoicing together in the beauty and richness of our Lord.

This poem is actually a song that I would love to sing with you all during this season! it expresses so well the sentiments that are so keen this time of year. :-)

Merry Christmas!