May 04, 2007

Music, Mirth, and Memories

The McCracken family are some new friends who have lit up our lives recently, and we've enjoyed several special nights together; singing hymns and broadway favorites, riding horses, discussing great topics, laughing our hearts out, sharing meals, and just getting to know each other's hearts and journey. The friendship I personally have enjoyed with these beautiful young ladies has been such an encouragement and blessing. Thank-you for the pictures and friendship McCrackens!

Mother and daughters, Kaylee (left) and Jenny (right)

Kaylee and I enjoying a beautiful, (but windy!) horseback ride.

"If I were a rich man . . . "

The guys tunin' up

The windy day was perfect for kite-flying! A big thanks to Mr. McCracken for the fun we had with the kite!

Max and Lilly, or his little "Jabberwalkie" :-) (Lewis Carroll)

Precious friends

Jacob, Conner, and Jeremy, enjoying the outdoors
Jayni had fun with their camera for a little while and took some photos of the gals from her perspective. ;-)

And, a late night family photo! :-) Minus the three wee ones, who were peacefully in dreamland.

Thanks again for the photos McCrackens!


Max Parish said...

I hope Lillie still finds "Jabberwocky" endearing 5 years from now! It certainly is descriptive. :)

Good post Sally.

your bro


The McCracken family said...

Thanks, Sally, for the nice description of our evening. What a dear family you are. And Max, I think Lillie will always love being your Jabberwocky (or walkie)!

Lori McC