February 14, 2007

"Objective" Science

Recently I came across an article announcing that:

"Creationists defeated in Kansas school vote on science teaching"

You can find the full article via the link at the bottom of this post. Now, pardon me while I indulge in a bit of satire. Here are some quotes:

"School authorities in the American heartland state of Kansas have delivered a rebuff to subscribers to the notion of intelligent design by voting to banish language challenging evolution from new science guidelines.

In a 6-4 vote on Tuesday night, the Kansas state board of education deleted language from teaching guidelines that challenged the validity of evolutionary theory, and approved new phrasing in line with mainstream science" [1].

Our "experts" have decided they have reached the apex of scientific theo...(ahem) fact. We are so sure of ourselves that we don't want our teachers planting any seeds of opposition in our young kid's minds. After all, since we kicked God out the door decades ago, isn't it about time we have earned some infallibility? What? You say this smells a bit like the squelching of Galileo? Fear not. Galileo was hushed by the Church, and we all know that the Church is ignorant in matters of science. And besides, their ancient theories were obviously flawed. Indeed, they were flawed because they were ancient. Ours are neither ancient nor flawed. Take my word for it.

"In redrafting guidelines for science teaching, the board removed language suggesting that key concepts such as a common origin for all life on Earth and for species change were seen as controversial by the scientific community."

Yes, indeed, we believe in teaching only what is commonly agreed on by the experts of that field. That is why we teach subjects like science, psychology, philosophy, etc...

"They have really been on a rollercoaster for the last 10 years in Kansas," said Glenn Branch, deputy director of the National Centre for Science Education. "This isn't really good for the state of science education in Kansas for the treatment of evolution to be in such flux. It probably does have the effect of encouraging creationism in the local classroom."

Isn't it horrible? Think about it, why let opposing views into the educational realm when we know they are not true? Everyone knows that the the best way to prove the verity of an idea is to isolate it from opposing views. Why can't everybody just relax and let the truth stand on its own without having to test it all the time?

[1] http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,,2013263,00.html


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