August 24, 2009

We harvested our tomatoes before leaving for Camp and found one with a nose! :-P

Early Friday morning, we met the Smith's and the Callis's at a hotel off the freeway. Our plan was to travel together all the way to Camp Dwight. Talon Smith and Jacob, great pals, had a few minutes to 'get the ants out of their pants' before Callis's arrived at our meeting place.

Mrs. Smith and Mom had took the opportunity to catch up before hitting the road.

A peek into the Callis van, with a few extra's.

We stopped for lunch in Redding, at the home of Greg Smith's sister. She warmly opened her home to all of us, who enjoyed the refreshment of her lawn and the opportunity to stretch out a bit. Thank-you!

Figuring out the road plan . . .(despite Lilly's protests ;-) Amazingly, all three Dad's wore navy blue shirts that day! Great minds think really do think alike.

Happy little girls are a precious sight.

A bit sour Abigail?

A tempting offer

Have you ever felt like this while taking a road trip? Lilly's face displays her every thought. Her opinions about sitting in the car for hours and hours were no exception.

After several hours of travel, we arrived at the KOA in Klamath Falls, Oregon. This KOA was very comfortable, and such fun to all stay together!

Settin' up camp

Mexican food was on the menu. Delicious!

We met Mr. Callis's parents in Klamath Falls.

And enjoyed a visit with them.

The whole group. Serious and . . .

Silly. :-)

Just a few hours later, we arrived at Camp Dwight,

helped in the kitchen,

took pictures,

played around,

and gathered together in the barn for meetings and music.

Worshipful music

Who could resist these brown eyes?

Chad Johnson and his wife after he shared his dramatic testimony of God's grace in his life.

His mother, Paula Johnson, was radiant with a soft joy. I was blessed by her smile and spirit.

Hugs after Chad's moving story.

Mrs. Callis and Mrs. Chad Johnson have very close due dates!

Carpet ball - a mixture of pool and bowling that all ages can play.

The pond and stream nearby felt so refreshing during the warmth of those July afternoons.

Mr. Greg Smith and his son Talon . . . getting ready to splash!

Hi Mrs. Smith!

The boys dominated the basketball court most of the time, but every so often, one would spot a graceful, feminine shot, preformed with the excellence of polished skill. :-) You go Hannah!

Watcha thinking Justice?

It's been wonderful to fellowship with Greg and Lori Smith the past few months. Traveling together and sharing camp was a great way to get to know each other better.

Unfortunately, this is my only picture of the infamous water-slide. Water, dish soap, and slippery black plastic are not very conducive to photography. :-) Both the water slide and the zip line were wonderful fun though! The zip line was tall enough that in the beginning, I felt as though I were flying. Zipping is exhilarating!

Along with carpet ball, there was also foosball available. :-) I wonder who won this game?
The next pictures are a few highlights from the talent show.

I really enjoyed meeting Liz. She is the photographer for No Great Joy ministry and a friend of the Welch ladies. Her sense of humor is loads of fun.

The women's meeting on Sunday afternoon.

Simon was in his musical element as he played with the Baeur (I'm sorry, I don't know to spell their last name!) brothers. They are both very talented musicians.

Ultimate frisbee fun.

And some sweet ladies to chat with while dipping ones toes in the creek. :-)