January 31, 2007

Wild, Wild Weather

When 'sunny' is replaced with 'freezing', Orange Cove, California declares a state of emergency! The unusually frigid weather we've been experiencing has hit our orange groves hard. Consequently, everyone who depends on their industry: the farmers, workers, local businesses, and packing houses, not to mention the tastebuds of consumers, are enduring record-breaking losses. God has sent us yet another reminder that He can change our lives using a force beyond our control; the wild, wild weather!

Orange Cove has hit national news because of the disaster. An estimated 80% of the city's population depends on the citrus industry for food. Local businesses suffer because residents don't have money to spend. Desperate farmers endure exhaustion as they battle to save their crops. Workers worry about how to feed their families. "This is devestation" Orange Cove Mayor Victor Lopez told the press. " For Orange Cove, it is the worst disaster we've seen in the history of our city."

Sally Parish reporting on location. Orange Cove, CA.


Aaron said...


Well done!

Garrett Valdivia said...

I never connected the dots there...

Orange Cove = Oranges

Nice sign-off by the way!