July 02, 2006

Real Life Application of Science

This from an Australian by the name of Ross Gasking:

"Scientists tell us that for every 10 years , after the age of 40 or 50, we shrink 1.5 cm . Which is just over half an inch per 10 years.So in 100 years we shrink 15 cm (6 inches).

"So in 900 years Methuselah would have shrunk 54 inches. I suggest he might have started off at 50 yrs old at about 5 ft, going by existing knowledge of the Ice Man etc. So that leaves him as 6 inches high at age 960. He died at 969 years old. Except that science also tells us that ones ears grow at a rate of 0.025 mm per year. Also our nose grows. And our hair disappears.

"So to answer your question,. ..according to science, Methuselah could have been 6 inches high with big ears and nose like a , well, a squashed elephant. This is not so silly, because it allows an explanation of how Noah, who built the ark when 500 years old and only 2 ft high, would have fitted in all those bigger animals to the ark. By selecting dinosaurs which were from antiquity and therefore fitted in a proverbial matchbox,if he had one. He was able to save heaps of space and also save on food allowances.

"This is the explanation science would give us . Rivetting, yes?

"And you heard it first here...Allow me more, Enoch was a fast developer, he at 600 years was measuring about zero, and escaped burial altogether. This is why it says he was translated. Science would tell us that translated means slipped out sideways...yeeha ! way to go!"


Ross said...

Ross is honoured to be quoted on your site.

Ross said...

Ross is honoured to be quoted on your site.