Close your eyes and consider . . . what does it mean to die a sacrificial death for your country? What is the cost of protecting the innocent? How do we honor those who stood by their duty, staring death in the face? Do we ever remember? Do we ever thank the ones who serve us by endangering their own lives to keep the peace?
For the first time, our family had the chance to witness a ceremony that both sobered and convicted us. This was a memorial service in downtown Fresno honoring the fallen police officers. Although not a professed Christian service, Mrs. Clark and her choir stood singing Christ . . . giving comfort to those in mourning. Simon took his place among the choir and the rest of us had the privilege of witnessing the ceremony close up. After speeches, and songs, the names of officers fallen in action were read-a snowy dove released for each. Bagpipers solemnly piped their hymns and soloists offered their tributes as different branches of law enforcement solemnly looked on.
All in all, we realized how important it is to stop and remember. Remember those who die in sacrifice for us, though we may be unaware of the sacrifice when it is given. Remembering is important because as we reflect on the honor shown, it kindles an inspiration in our hearts to rise up and follow. Follow in the footprints of the brave.When this 14 year old stood up to sing "You Raise Me Up", he amazed us. What a voice! One would not expect such tone and richness from one so young.
Before returning home we stopped in Sanger to visit Great Grandma Lucille, my Dad's Grandma. Grandma Shirley was there, and we enjoyed a special visit with them both. :-) We love you Grandma's!Jayni was anxious to show Grandma Shirley some of her work
My Grandma's are a treasure from the Lord. I have so much to learn from these great women of faith. Praise Him for their lives!
Here's an ending picture of Mom and Dad on one of their evening walks . . . :-)
May 23, 2008
Remembering the Fallen
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May 22, 2008
May 1 marked the offical end of choir season for our family. The end of semester concert is a large affair, with all PSCA choirs participating. We laughed at the innocent, unaffected antics of the children; sat back in appreciation as the Jr. High choir preformed; listened in awe at the beautiful blend of the girl's ensemble; and smiled at the familiar faces in the concert choir. Each choir sang with their hearts, producing a wonderful evening of praise. Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Teter, the directors, have given so much of themselves in ministry to each of us. Thank-you so much!The Girls Ensemble
Mrs. Clark with Simon
'Picking up paw-paws, puttin'em in your pocket . . ."
Children's Choir
Simon was asked to accompany the Jr. High choir in their song, 'Wayfaring Stranger'. This beautiful rendition of the song was enhanced by the rich harmony of the cello. Good job Simon!
The Girl's Ensemble is a dedicated group of girls who have worked to created an amazing blend and beauty of voice. Their songs, whether poetic and feminine, or snappy and syncopated they have risen to the occasion.
Thanks to PSCA for the fun experience of being involved in their program! This was a blessing in our year that opened up numerous opportunities and relationships.
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Quebe Sisters
What do you get when you put three homeschooled gals, their fiddle teacher, and a cowboy bass player? The Quebe Sisters Band! Tucked away in the front room of a cowboy cafe in Visalia, Susan Castang (my riding mentor) and I enjoyed some lively fiddlin' quick enough to get your toes tappin'!
The radiance of these sisters caught my attention at once. They were a vibrant testimony for homeschoolers as they mingled among the crowd, greeting everyone, shining their smiles and answering questions.
Check them out at www.quebesistersband.com
Thanks to the 'net' for the webphoto :-)
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Artistry :-)
Jacob enjoying a model Mom bought for him. This little airplane was painted and repainted several times over the next few days. :-)
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May 13, 2008
Snake hunting
Slithering out from their lairs, snakes have begun popping their scaly heads out everywhere. Jeremy decided he'd had enough one day and this is the result. Woo-hoo! :-)
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