December 24, 2006

Picture Time!

The following pictures were taken during a weekend visit to Daniel and Kendra's. We finally took the plunge and scheduled this event, enjoying the added bonus of an awe-inspiring Christmas concert at Grace Community Church. It is always wonderful to go visit Daniel and Kendra, and this weekend was extra-special. With late night visits, photography, Christmas concerts, and joy of having babies around, how can you go wrong? :-)

Merry Christmas to each one of you!

~The Parish Family

P.S. We finally got a taste of what is was like to take pictures with a large family. :-P With wiggling, tiredness, Jacob's enormous pants, (we had to get the only size they had) and a zillion people all trying to get the little ones to smile, we were grateful when the process was complete.

December 14, 2006

"That's the most strictly feminine utterance I ever heard," said Mr. Minturn with a short laugh.

" Thank-you," retorted Leslie, " The compliment is high, but I accept it. I ask nothing better at the hands of fate than to be the most feminine of women."

~ "Michael O'Halloran" by Gene Stratton Porter

I just love that! :-)

December 11, 2006

New Babies!

When we left on our trip back East, we had a sweet young lady named Carol take care of our animals. On accident one day, our dogs were able to get our chickens, and all that was left when Carol discovered them was a few survivors and a whole bunch of feathers. When we returned home Carol delivered to us a box of 25 baby chickens to replace our murdered flock. Thanks to Carol, we were able to enjoy baby chicks again! :-)

December 07, 2006

"The Magic of Ordinary Days"

God has graciously provided us with a new horse! Sam and Jeremy have begun a new relationship that has been great to watch. Cowboy is thrilled to have a pasture mate. :-)

Petting the horses at Mrs. Castang's ( my horsemanship mentor) ranch.

Simon shows his enthusiasm for our almost daily chore . . . mopping the kitchen floor! ;-)

The girlies pose for a quick photo in their jean jumpers.

Who's this boy smiling so nicely? Why, it's our Jacobi! ;-) Otherwise known as "Mr. Snap"

A peek into everyday life here at the Parish Ranch. Lilly waiting patiently in her high chair, Jeremy doing school on the kitchen table, Jayni getting up from her school to ask Mom a question, and Mom fixing a meal in the kitchen. :-)

Big brothers and little sisters; an unbeatable combination. Max and Lilly, Aaron and Julia Telian.

Jacob's first haircut! Buzzzz!

Dancing to our after-dinner praise music. :-)

Wrestling with Daddy

Lots of coloring